This was delivered to Tanith a few weeks ago – I finally resolved the issue of looking unfinished. I added ‘Exhibit A’, the microscope slide, the gold foil swirls, and the braiding down the bottom. Very happy with it now.

syn·aes·the·sia – a subjective sensation that occurs in one sense modality when another modality is stimulated…. syn·aes·thet'ic – involving more than one sense
I especially like the little frog in the corner clinging on to the twig for dear life!
I’m still deciding where it belongs in my house. It needs a good place.
I’m really so grateful for this beautiful work of art. Thank you.
it was a lot of fun, and I had to think differently with the nature images and the colour palate – I wanted it to feel earthy and lush, like in a rain forest or something.
glad you like it 🙂