Pippa Roscoe – Harlequin UK
- Moving into London Bridge
Megan Farrell – Tulin Publishing
- Digital first, selected print
- Women’s fiction, romance, chicklit
Marty Green – Pantera Press
- Boutique Sydney based publishing house
- Focus on authors not individual books – full career
Lex – Penguin / Random House
- Works across multiple lines
Sue Brockhoff – Harlequin Australia
What has changed in the past 12 months?
- Lots of people reading on their phones now
- Have to compete with music, youtube etc
- Shorter books / novellas increasing in popularity
- Plateau in usage of ebooks
- Confident print book is not dead
- Harlequin had more titles and authors in top 100 print sales in the past year
- Romance writing across genres hitting best sellers lists
- Forecasters predict that by 2019 print books will still dominate the reading market (70%)
Changes in trends: More romance writers included in literary festivals.
People reading differently. Short format. Exploring the noise. Serialisation projects, compulsive series reading (episodic).
Pippa Roscoe:
- Build your brand.
Martin Green:
- Build email list so you can sell directly to your readers.
- emerging authors need to be visible & accessible. Stay connected.