My brother and sister-in-law live in London. When they came to visit last year, my s-i-l liked some of my mixed media artwork (which she hadn’t seen before), particularly the floral steampunk one I did at the class with Finnabair.
So during their visit I got hold of a black and white photo from their wedding the year before, and created a similar type of mixed media piece for them. It is on a double layer of cardstock, but I have told them to attach it to a frame or canvas so it doesn’t get damaged. (Note: My brother hadn’t done this when I visited last month, but I reminded him to again).
Attachments include paper flowers, metal flowers, wooden steampunk embellishments, glass flat-backed marbles. I have used metallic sprays, and removed a lace doily after spraying so some of the original card pattern shows through. There is also metallic foil on some of the embellishments.
I also made two dozen cards for my s-i-l, in a range of styles for different purposes and recipients. The photo isn’t great, but it gives and idea of the selection.